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No Planet No Economy

climate action now

A message to economy-driven climate deniers... The Math is Clear. The Science is Real. No Planet, No Economy. Climate Action must happen now. Design on shirts for Environmental Activists, Climate Action Activists, Scientists and everyone helping to Save our Planet.

Available for Purchase at:

No Planet No Economy

FAQ & Jitterfly Retailers

Where Can I Buy Jitterfly Designs?

Jitterfly prints and sells its designs through 3rd-party retailers, including Amazon, Tee Public, Red Bubble, and Pixels. Click the buttons above to choose the retailer you would like to purchase the design from. (*Sometimes a button won't link to a retailer. This means it is not available at that retailer at this time.)

What Products Can I Buy?

Our online retailers have an assortment of fashion apparel, accessories, stationery, wall art, prints, and more. Please browse through the tabs above to learn more about each retailer.

Shipping & Returns

Because Jitterfly sells through 3rd-party retailers, shipping and returns are handled through the company you order from.

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